Do you need your contractor’s license number on your business forms?
Obtaining a business license plays a significant role in the life of an entrepreneur. Those numbers following your business name provides not only security for your business but for those that use your services. Being a licensed business owner should be something to take pride in and there’s no reason to hide your license number on any printed material. Unless of course, you have something to hide!
By providing your license number, potential clients can look into your business and determine if they want to use your services or go with another company. Being “licensed” lets these clients know that you’re being held accountable for your business actions.
If you need a contractor’s license number printed on your invoices is a question that has to be answered at the state level. Many state laws require licensed contractors to print their license numbers on all advertisements. For example, Florida statute 489.521 (b) states that: The registration or certification number of a contractor shall be stated in each offer of services, business proposal, or advertisement, regardless of medium, used by that contractor. For the purposes of this part, the term “advertisement” does not include business stationery or any promotional novelties such as balloons, pencils, trinkets, or articles of clothing. The board shall assess a fine of not less than $100 or issue a citation to any contractor who fails to include that contractor’s certification or registration number when submitting an advertisement for publication, broadcast, or printing.
Before sending your work orders, proposals, and other printed materials off to print, check with your state legislature for any laws regarding contractor license numbers on invoice forms. Failure to do so may put you and your business in jeopardy.
Tags: Contractor's Form, Contractor's License NumberCategorised in: Printer's Advice
This post was written by Progressive Printing Team