Business Forms: Loose-leaf vs. Books
When ordering invoice forms for your business, you are offered the choice of receiving your order loose-leaf or having your forms bound into books. At Printit4Less, books are made by stapling 50 sets of perforated forms into a manila covered booklet. If you decide against the books, your forms arrive loose-leaf.
While books do cost a little extra, over time they will save you money.
Loose invoices can be lost or accidentally thrown away. When bound into a book, it’s easy to see how many forms have been torn out and it is much harder to lose or misplace one. Keeping a copy inside a bound booklet will protect your records and may be a solution to your filing needs.
You can also assign books to employees to take out on the job. That way you know how many books are out in the field and what books belong to each of your employees. When a book goes missing, or too many pages have been torn out, you will be able to catch the problem sooner rather than later.
Best of all, books are easier to write in when flat surfaces are hard to find!
Tags: Books, Business Forms, business invoices, cash receipt books, custom business forms, custom business invoices, custom forms, invoice books, receipt booksCategorised in: Tutorials
This post was written by Progressive Printing Team